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- Xanogen
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Note: We have no affiliation with Xanogen
I touched on Xanogen before when I came across an ad talking about how using xanogen and hgh factor will help you gain 4 inches in 4 weeks, or some other ridiculous statement.
While I thought I dispelled this myth in subsequent articles, I receive emails almost every other day asking if I’ve tried it yet, so I finally got around to ordering it.
To start, we will state this product will not grow your penis 4 inches in a month, and you can read why by scrolling down to the bottom of this review.
First off, I’m going to talk a little bit about what xanogen is, what its supposed to do, and the ingredients in it.
What is Xanogen / What Does It Do?
Promoted as a slow acting male enhancement supplement, this all natural product is manufactured by a company called Applied Science labs, and distributed by Response Commerce located in Hollywood, FL. According to the makers of Xanogen, it is supposed to enhance the body’s production of testosterone, which in turn will stimulate blood flow to the penis. According to the label, you are supposed to take 2 capsules once a day, or as directed by a physician.
It’s supposed to start targeting your levels of testosterone, to give you that extra boost you have been looking for. For those who don’t know, generally erectile dysfunction is rooted in men with low testosterone levels, and it also leads to you feeling low on energy, have a bad sex life, and all the other usual stuff.
While they do stop short of saying that there product will effectively grow your wang, it is generally accepted that the term “all natural male enhancement” is supposed to essentially mean an enhanced growth.
How About The Ingredients?
Xanogen is made up of a proprietary blend of ingredients that have been used for centuries in various different
types of male enhancement products. The full ingredient list includes: maca, Yohimbe, GABA, Epimedium, L-Arginine, Tribulus Terrestris, Muira Puama, Cnidium Monnier, Catuaba Bark Extract, and Xanthoparmelia Scarbosa.
While we have touched on these ingredients numerous times in alot of our articles, the main ones you need to know about here are L-Arginine and Yohimbe. Both of these ingredients are very powerful in male enhancement technology, however they do carry some risks.
For instance, people who take products that contain Yohimbe often report side effects such as nausea, profuse sweating, heart palpitations, and dizziness. Anyone with a heart condition should avoid taking products that contain Yohimbe, such as Xanogen, or at the very least speak with a doctor.
L-Arginine is actually a substance that is created in the body, and is used to enhance the flow of blood through the body. It is contained in several other natural male enhancement supplements we have reviewed, including sinrex, erectzan, and numerous others. The body normally produces enough Arginine on its own, but many supplements speak of the benefits of taking an additional supplement for it. On the contrary, a study concluded that men with heart problems or that have had a
Reviews of Xanogen
Finding real reviews and results from guys online was not that easy, given the fact that there was alot of misinformation posted out there.
For example, one reviewer named “Ron” on Youtube states that he “researched” the way penis enlargement works. Given that he is pursuing a masters degree in organic chemistry, I guess this qualifies him as an “authority” in this area.
In case you don’t feel like watching the video above, I’ll summarize what he says below:
- There are 2 tricks to penis growth: Increase the blood flow to the penis, then use that increased blood flow to increase the size of the penile tissue.
- Xanogen and HGH Factor will do this.
How Does It Do This?
Well, he points out that the primary ingredient in Xanogen is Yohimbe (which I talked about above), and correctly notes that it is a very powerful extract found in hundreds of other male enhancement pills.
Basically, yohimbe stimulates blood flow to the penis, allowing for the biggest possible erection you can get.
What he conveniently leaves out is that this effect is NOT PERMANENT.
This is exactly what Xanogen is claiming, permanent enlargement gains…
Another thing I wanted to point out was a comment he makes right around the 2:40 min mark.
“All you have to pay for is shipping and handling”
This leads us to our next revelation.
The Supposed “Free Trial” of Xanogen
When I originally came across Xanogen, I found it on some porn star blog or something that mentioned if you use it in conjunction with a product called HGH factor that you would see these ridiculous gains.
I have to admit, it looked interesting at first.
The thought that taking two supplements would give me some massive increase in size was intriguing.
So I decided to order the free trial of both and give them a shot. I got the pills a few days later, but was shocked to read the fine print of the “free trials” terms and conditions, specifically for Xanogen.
It seems that after my 14 day trial is up, I end up getting charged for the product over an over again on a monthly basis, to the tune of $80 A MONTH, PLUS SHIPPING!
No thanks, especially for a product that says it takes 4 weeks to see the best results.
Where Can I Buy It?
With all that said about the free trial, you can technically buy it outright if you want to.
For example, they sell Xanogen on Amazon for $79.95, which includes free shipping and does NOT enroll you in any free trial.
Which leads us back to the reviews of Xanogen. If you look at the ones on Amazon, they don’t paint a very pretty picture.
While there are a few positive reviews, the vast majority are not very good.
Another thing I wanted to note was that because it contains yohimbe, you will not be able to buy it if you live in the following countries: Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, and New Zealand.
Yohimbe is banned in those countries, so you’re out of luck.
My Personal Results
I only ordered a one month supply (off of Amazon), mainly because of the claim that after just 4 weeks I would see massive results.
Why buy any more than that, right?
Well, I took it for the full 4 weeks and to be honest, barely noticed anything.
One thing I did notice was my erection quality seemed a bit better, and I felt MAYBE a little bit bigger than usual.
But 4 inches bigger than normal? No way!!
I would steer clear of Xanogen for a few reasons. For one, its a pretty expensive product once you get done with the free trial, and it does not make sense to keep paying for it.
Second, you would not want to take anything that contains Yohimbe for a prolonged period of time, as its just plain dangerous. And finally, there is very little in the way of customer reviews of Xanogen to actually back up the product, and the ones that do show up are not very good.
I would stick with something that has been proven in both a clinical setting, as well as time tested and approved.
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