Libex Overview
When it comes to male performance enhancement supplements, there are a couple different ways to go. You can take a supplement every day. This way, the beneficial ingredients build up in your system over time, and you’re ready whenever the mood strikes. Or you can use a supplement that you only take when needed to give you the performance and/or erection boost that you’re looking for. Both kinds have their advantages, and it basically comes down to personal preference.
Libex is a take only as needed supplement. There is no official website, though it appears as though at one time there was. This might mean that Libex has been discontinued, and that once the suppliers run out of stock, there will be no more. I’m not sure this is the case, but it is a good, educated guess.
How Libex Works

Libex Review
The idea with Libex is that you take one pill about half an hour before sexual activity. The effects are said to last about 4 hours. The formula is based on ancient natural healing practices, and claims to be the culmination of 400 years of research and testing.
Libex Ingredients
While we didn’t find a definitive ingredient list, we were able to track down what we think is reliable information about what goes into the formula.
There’s: Fructus Corni, Fructus Lychi, Fructus Amomi, Macrocephale, and Actractylodis.
I’ve got to be honest. I’ve never heard of most of these ingredients and I’ve been looking at and testing male enhancement formulas for a long time. This doesn’t necessarily mean Libex doesn’t work, But it does make
you wonder why it doesn’t include the tried and tested ingredients like L-Arginine, Tribulus Terrestris, and Maca Root.
Libex Benefits
The ingredients are all natural.
You only have to take it when it’s needed.
Libex Drawbacks
The formula does not contain familiar ingredients that we can trust to work.
There are no clinical studies showing that Libex does work.
We found no Libex reviews from customers attesting to the fact that it works.
It’s expensive.
Where to Buy
If you’re still interested in purchasing Libex, you can do so through a few different online retailers, but you’ll pay over $30 for just 2 capsules.
With an unfamiliar ingredient list, no customer reviews, no informative website, no clinical testing, and a very high price, I can’t in good conscience recommend that you use Libex. We know which male enhancement ingredients generally work. There’s really no reason to go with something like this.