Orexis Review
Orexis is one of a large assortment of male enhancement supplements that have been introduced in recent years, ever since drugs like the Big V and others have been let out on the market. We here at BestEnhancementReviews.com don’t just take a look at these products based on what third party reviews say, we actually purchase the product. We decided to buy a one months supply of Orexis to help determine whether or not this controversial supplement actually works.
After some initial research, we noticed that the product has actually been discontinued by its manufacturer, Urban Health Source, but it was still being sold on third party sites like Amazon, Ebay, and others. Throughout this review, we will be talking about the ingredients in Orexis, our personal results from trying it out, any potential side effects, and how it compares to other products.
What is Orexis
Ingredients in Orexis
Video Review
Where To Buy
What is Orexis?
Labeled as an all natural male enhancement pill, Orexis is designed by a company called Urban Nutrition, which also manufacturers a number of other products in the health and beauty niche. A one month supply of Orexis contains 60 tablets, designed to be taken daily, and 1-2 additional tablets 45 minutes prior to sexual activity.
Their are a number of cautions pertaining to the usage of Orexis, including you should refrain from taking it if you have heart problems, suffer from high blood pressure, or you are currently taking any MAO Inhibitors. You should also not take it if you are pregnant or nursing, yet we could not figure out why this warning was attached to the box, considering this product is only intended for men. The manufacturer also states that you should consult with a doctor prior to using, and should not exceed 4 tablets in any 24 hour period.
What Are The Ingredients in Orexis?
Like alot of other male enhancement supplements, this product contains a number of well known and potent aphrodisiacs which enhance the flow of blood to the penis during an erection. This increase in blood flow accounts for the increased stimulation during sex, and during subsequent erections.
The ingredient list in Orexis is as follows:
Tribulus Terrestris – Used since the 1950’s, Tribulus is supposed to increase testosterone levels in males, and subsequently improve male sexual performance dramatically. you can also find tribulus in several very effective sexual performance supplements such as erectzan, virilix, and xantho rx, among others.
Panax Ginseng – Otherwise simply known as “ginseng” this ingredient in Orexis is designed to increase the libido. It also has many other uses, including the treatment of type II diabetes and also is used as a mild stimulant.
Muira Puama – Also known as Ptychopetalum, Muira puama is used in several different types of all natural male enhancers, but the effects of this ingredient are somewhat debatable. There is some evidence that muira puama does act as a stimulant, however.
Yohimbe – Yohimbe is an extract made from a bark root, and is a very suitable aphrodisiac. However, its side effects are dangerous, and this is the reason why men with heart conditions should not take the substance. We have actually tried out yohimbe ourselves, be sure to check out our review.
Our Results From Taking Orexis
We try alot of these products out, and to give them a fair chance, we generally take the fast acting ones like stamina rx and stiff 4 hours over a period of 2 days, and long acting ones like magna rx plus over a period of 2 weeks. Their is a big difference between slow acting and fast acting male enhancement pills, and while the fast acting ones promise a quick boost in libido, the slow acting ones promise to give you permanent results.
We classified Orexis in the slow acting category because you are supposed to take it over a prolonged period of time. After 2 weeks of usage, I noticed a keen difference in my ability to achieve an orgasm, and felt as though sex was heightened. This did come with a few side effects, however.
As with any product that contains yohimbe, for the first couple of days I felt a little irritable and my nausea was pretty bad. As time went on, these effects started to decrease, which is typical when taking a product like Orexis over a period of time.
We did not see any difference in size, but the manufacturer of the product does not make any claims that it will do so. I would say this particular product compares with Pro Plus pills, both in design and in results.
Where To Buy Orexis
As we mentioned earlier in our review, Orexis has currently been discontinued by the manufacturer, but it is still available from numerous sites. We purchased it off of Amazon for $27.99, with a $5.58 shipping charge, which was deducted as a promotion. This was pretty much the cheapest price we could find online.
Lawsuit against the Makers of Orexis
We wanted to figure out why Orexis was no longer available to the public, so we did some research. We found out that the makers of Orexis were involved in a lawsuit filed by Dr. Ray Sahelian, maker of the popular supplement Passion Rx, against Urban Nutrition, the manufacturer of this product.
The lawsuit contends that Urban Nutrition illegally posted reviews about Passion RX and other related products on a number of websites, posting fake reviews from dissatisfied customers. All the while, they were bashing the product and promoting their own on these sites. As a result of this lawsuit, the makers of Orexis were forced to pay $75,000 restitution to Dr. Ray Sahelian, forcing them to discontinue the sale of Orexis.
Since Orexis is no longer available from the official retailer, we cannot recommend this product. While the product did work in our own personal test, the fact that the company cannot support the product, and is no longer making it, forces us to conclude that it cannot be safely taken.
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