Mandingro Review
Mandingro Review
Dave’s Rating:
Mandingro is one of the newest products to the market in the world of aphrodisiacs, and this company is breaking into a very competitive market. However, it looks like they are trying to target a specific demographic, one which is not normally associated with male enhancement pills. That market is the male African American market, and this is the first pill of its kind that I have seen targeted towards black males.
I originally came across this product while researching new products, and decided to order a sample package (1 capsule) and give it a shot. Unfortunately, the summer has got me slacking off a bit, so I didn’t get a chance to test it out until last week, and finally plopped my butt down to write this review. (Skip To My Results)
What is Mandingro?
Like most male enhancement supplements, Mandingro promises to help increase sexual desire, give you longer and strong erections, help you recover faster, and help promote orgasmic sensations. This dietary supplements is a 1 capsule pill that is distributed by a company called RNS Health and Beauty, which is located in Atlanta, Georgia. At a cost of $6.99 with free shipping for 1 sample pill, it is in the normal price range for something that works quick.

Mandingro Review
It is designed to work as a fast acting pill, and you’re supposed to take it one hour prior to sexual activity. Like most of these supplements, it does require you to be sexually stimulated in some way to get the most effect from it, so be sure to keep a handy girlfriend / boyfriend / or “friend with benefits”.
Mandingro is made up of potent herbs and extracts that make it a very unique and eye catching formula. The full list includes an 800 mg blend of horny goat weed, l arginine, Cnidium Monnier, Yohimbe bark extract, korean red ginseng, dong quai, cucuta powder, tribulus terrestris, caffeine, as well as some other fillers.
All of these herbs and extracts work effectively, but the one you should be concerned with the most is Yohimbe bark extract. This substance is found in dozens of all natural enhancer’s, and it actually works really well to give you a great hard-on. The only issue (which happens to be a major one) is that it can cause some pretty nasty side effects, and I have experienced them first hand.
It must be noted that NOT everyone that uses a pill or capsule that contains yohimbe will experience side effects, but you should use caution and make sure that you start off with the lowest possible dosage.
My Results From Mandingro
I gotta say that Mandingro was one of the best fast acting male enhancement supplements I have taken in a long time. Normally I don’t like anything that contains yohimbe, but I did not experience the usual flushed face, dizziness, and light nausea that I usually get. I took the one capsule in the sample around 10 am in the morning with a large glass of warm water (like I usually do) and my morning breakfast of eggs, toast, and a glass of oj.

Mandingro Review
And then, I did what I normally do, I waited. And waited. And waited. After about 2 hours, I was beginning to think that I was either immune to the stuff, or that I got a counterfeit pill or something. And then, it hit me! Boom!
I don’t know what set it off (might have been the Victoria’s secret catalog on the table next to my recliner), but I got one of the biggest erections I have gotten in a LONG, LONG TIME. It lasted for a good half hour before I decided to “take care of it”, and ended up getting hard again in another hour or so, with practically no visual sensation at all.
However, just as fast as it came about, it went away. Like a girls virginity on prom night, it just seemed to completely disappear. This is one of the first times that I actually had an experience like this, and Mandingro really came through above and beyond my expectations.
Based on my personal experience, I say you give Mandingro a go, but use caution. I actually received an email from a representative of the company and he assured me that it contains low amounts of yohimbe. However, I would still check with your doctor, because if you are taking any medications or have any sensitive heart conditions, then you may have some problems with taking Mandingro. Other users on the internet are also recommending it, so I think it is well worth it. Let me know how your experience with Mandingro goes and we will put your review on our site!