Mandro RX Review
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Mandro RX Review
Mandro Rx is another one of those supplements that promises to help boost your testosterone levels quickly and efficiently. Since we have been researching testosterone boosting supplements alot recently, we feel we have a pretty good grasp on the ones that should work, and the ones that are merely sugar pills.
Finding information on Mandro Rx was easier said than done, and there is very little in the way of full ingredient list, customer reviews, and other pertinent information. We did learn that it is manufactured by a company called Best Life herbals, which makes a variety of different supplements across a broad line of ailments.
What is Mandro Rx?
Originally developed by a Dr. Kenneth Woliner, Mandro RX’s primary method of action involves an ingredient called Indole-3 Carbinol. This all natural ingredient is supposed to be a testosterone booster designed to help reduce estrogen levels and raise testosterone levels.
As you may already know, the average male experiences a decrease in testosterone levels beginning at the age of 40, at a rate of about 1% per year. This reduction is in direct proportion to a number of ailments, including erectile dysfunction, increased weight gain, and lack of energy. The term that is loosely tossed around for this is called Andropause, which is essentially “male menopause”.
Mandro RX hopes to combat this issue, and is designed to be taken once a day, generally before bedtime. The idea is that, through daily use, the ingredients in Mandro RX work to stop Andropause in it’s tracks, and help you regain your sexual stamina, energy levels, and improve your overall mood.
There are several products that purportedly do the same thing, including Progene and Test X180, although they are made up of different formulations.
How Does Mandro RX Work and Ingredients?
So what is this Indole-3 Carbinol, and does it really work. A quick look at Wiki and other sources has shown us that it is actually a chemical compound that is found in high concentrations in certain types of vegetables. The makers of Mandro RX explicitly state that this ingredient may be the answer to decreasing testosterone levels, but we could not find any scientific or clinical research supporting this claim.
However, Mandro RX does seem to also contain an ingredient called DIM (diindolylmethane), which is a dimer (A molecule or

Mandro RX Review
molecular complex consisting of two identical molecules linked together) of Indole Carbinol. Without getting into a complicated Chemistry lesson, the primary method of action of this is to promote beneficial metabolism of Estrogen, or figuratively speaking, kills of estrogen levels. This is still under investigation, and there are no official studies showing that this works all the time.
They also mention it contains other herbal ingredients, which we learned are the following: Tribulus Terrestris, Mucuna Pruriens, Maca, L-Arginine, Ginkgo Biloba, and green tea leaf extract.
Mandro RX Pro’s
- Contains all natural ingredients
- Originally Formulated by a doctor
- Unheard of 1 YEAR money back guarantee (first time I have ever seen that!)
- Manufactured in the US
- Contains 2 key ingredients that are proven to increase testosterone
Mandro RX Con’s
- No Reviews or testimonials
- Very few retailers selling the product
- No official website?
Mandro RX Recommendation
While Mandro RX does contain tribulus terrestris, l-arginine, and Mucuna Pruriens, it lacks several other key ingredients which have also been proven to increase testosterone levels. At a BARE MINIMUM, you need to take something that contains the above ingredients, as well as Horny Goat Weed, Tongkat Ali, and l-carnitine to see a noticeable improvement in testosterone production. Without these ingredients, there is no way to determine whether or not Mandro RX really works.