Stamina Ex Review
Stamina Ex Review
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Every once in awhile we come across a product that sounds exactly like another product we have already tried and tested. In this case, Stamina EX sounds exactly like Stamina Rx, the fast acting male enhancement supplement made by Hi-Tech pharmaceuticals. Knock-offs of common products like this happen often, and in general most companies overlook this minor things. But do these products work exactly the same way? Well, the truth is they are two very different products with a very different method of action, all of which you will learn more about here.
What is Stamina EX and it’s Ingredients?
Based on an all natural formula, Stamina EX appears to not only aid men with erectile dysfunction problems, but also works as a premature ejaculation supplement. The official website is somewhat limited in information, and is also rather annoying because it disables your browsers back button and prevents you from visiting another wesbite. Not something an ethical running business should do, but what do I know.
The ingredient list in Stamina ex includes Zinc oxide, which appears to be the main ingredient. Zinc is used in hundreds of different products, including everything from sunscreen to reducing the severity of the common cold. Zinc actually is one of the most important substances that can be used to help increase testosterone.

Stamina Ex Review
The full ingredient list in Stamina Ex includes: Tongkat Ali, L-Arginine, Maca, Ginseng (both Korean and Siberian), sarsaparilla extract, pumpkin seed powder (also contains Zinc), nettle,oat straw, cayenne pepper, astragalus, tribulus terrestris, oyster extract, and licorice. Most of these ingredients do not cause any fast acting male enhancment supplements, but it is always good practice to check with your doctor to be sure it is absolutely safe.
The most important in Stamina EX in my own personal opinoin is L-Arginine. While not essential for a maleenhancer, their has been some clinical research done that indicates L-Arginine acts to allow more blood to flow tothe penis. The New England Journal of Medicine ran this study, which has been referenced several thousands of timesthrought the internet. Learn more about the other benefits of L-Arginine in our full article.
Where To Buy Stamina EX and Auto-Billing
There is only one place to by Stamina EX, and that is through their official website. While most companies offer you the ability to buy larger quantities of their product at a discount, Stamina Ex only offers a one bottle price of $24.95. This one bottle contains 60 pills, but it is unclear as to how long this lasts. While some products only need 1 pill to take effect, others take as much as 4 to get the desired effect. So basically this could be as much as a two month supply, or as little as a 2 week supply, we just don’t know.

Stamina Ex Review
After further research, it is interesting to note that when you decide to buy Stamina EX, you are actually enrolled into what is called an auto-ship program. What this basically means is that, in the even you do not cancel your auto-shipment agreement with their company, they will continue to bill you $24.95 and send you one bottle every month.
So it basically works the same way a magazine subscription does, which many guys don’t realize, often until their credit cards / debit cards have been deducted a substantial amount. We have more detailed information on how this process goes in our full article here.
There are no customer reviews of Stamina EX posted either on their website or on third party sites. Other review sites have talked about the product, with analysis similiar to ours, but noone seems to have actually used it yet.
Due to the severe lack of information available about this product, we are going to have to pass on giving it a recommendation. The simple fact is they promise too many benefits, and do very little to help support their claims. They don’t have any clinical research, no doctors testimonials, they don’t even have reviews from customers posted on their own website. This leads us to believe that their main priority is to get your credit card information and continually bill you ofor a mediocre product, at best. Save your money, don’t spend it on Stamina EX, and you will be glad you did.