Herbal V

Herbal V Review
There are literally hundreds of male enhancement pills on the market, each one claiming to help increase your sex drive, and grow your penis. With so many to choose from, it can be hard to pick the right one. We came across Herbal V pills after seeing one of their ads, and decided to check out the claims made by this company. We discovered that these pills may actually work, but needed to dig a little deeper to be sure. This product has not been evaluated by the FDA, so any claims made should be taken with caution.
What exactly is Herbal V?
Often referred to as the little blue pill, this product contains a blend of herbs and vitamins that is supposed to give you an increase in your sex drive, as well as make you last longer in bed. The ingredients listed on their site include Vitamin C, Saw Palmetto, panax ginseng and zinc. Apparently, this combination is supposed to increase the amount of blood that flows into the cavities and canals of the penis, which is supposed to quickly give you a heightened sense of sexual arousal.
Like practically all other sexual enhancer’s, there are some undue side effects you should be worried about. This particular supplement contains yohimbe, a powerful, but potentially dangerous ingredient that is used in such products as stamina rx and zyrexin.
Who manufactures Herbal V?
The Herbal V brand is sold by a company called Lane Labs. They are located in Waldwick, NJ, and are accredited by the BBB with an A+ rating. They manufacture several other types of products, including Advacal intensive, fertil male, and daily detox.
What are the Ingredients in Herbal V?
This product contains a proprietary blend of all natural herbs and extracts, with about 1250 mg per pill. One major ingredient is panax ginseng, which is used in many other natural health related products. This herb is supposed in increase your overall desire to have sex, as well as give you a natural gain. Herbal V also contain Ginkgo Biloba, Yohimbe, L-Arginine, and longjack.
I have tried yohimbe out several times, and it give me headaches like you wouldn’t believe. Furthermore, I tend to feel a little sick after taking it, but my erections are through the roof. If you can stand the side effects, it’s worth your while, if not I would suggest trying something else.
Gingko Biloba has been used to help improve memory retention, but it has been proven to help increase your energy levels, as well as libido. Many older men take gingko for its physiological effects, and it works great for sexual stimulation. All in all, the ingredients are comparable to avela, another strong supplement that has been used for hundreds of years.
Any side effects to this pill?
According to various sources, including the companies website, this product may cause elevated blood pressure and heart rate. As with most products containing yohimbe, you should use caution if you are taking any medication to help lower your blood pressure. It is also recommended that women do not take Herbal V, as well as people with psychological disorders or kidney disease. Also, some side effects of herbal v were reported by customers on third party websites included headache, irritable feeling, and feeling hung over the next day. These claims have not been substantiated by clinical studies.
Where To Buy Herbal V
This supplement is available on several major retail sites, including amazon and ebay. Compared to many other related products, this one falls in the lower price range, and is suitable for men seeking a natural alternative to many of the more expensive male enhancer’s out there.
You can find herbal v in your local Vitamin Shoppe as well,howeverit costs about $5 more than if you buy it online. The cheapest price we found was on ebay for $7.45, but as with anything that is sold on ebay, it is subject to be pulled at a moments notice.
Customer Reviews
“I have tried alot of male enhancement products, and most of them are such garbage! This one really does work, but despite what the manufacturer says, I do get some side effects from it. For instance, I have gotten a rapid heartbeat, and I’m talking like 80 beats a minute at complete rest. I looked into it and it seems that yohimbe is the cause of this. Well worth it though, I had sex like an animal last night!”Paul, Hawaii
“How many supplements does a guy need to go through! I tried so many before, like libigrow, and I got the worst feeling ever. Didn’t do anything. When i bought herbal v at vitamin shoppe, it was like a breath of fresh air. Finally something that actually works.”Hector, Georgia
Does Herbal V Really Work?
We checked out a number of reviews and could only find a couple of positive reviews of the product. There were no testimonials on the herbal v website, only product information and how to order. It seems that these pills lack many of the ingredients that are needed to help increase your virility and improve your sexual health, however this is not proven in clinical trials. The lack of reviews on other websites leads us to believe there are not many satisfied customers.