Vimax vs. Pro Solution pills
The following article highlights the major distinguishing features, benefits and advantages of two of the best selling male enhancement supplements available in male sexual health industry i.e. Vimax pills and Pro Solution Pills.
Vimax: Vimax is a brand or proprietary name given to herbal dietary supplement that is mainly composed of natural ingredients.
Pro Solution pills: Pro solution pills are also all-herbal. However, the herbs used in their composition are markedly different in types and quantities from those used in Vimax pills.
Indications (Uses)
Vimax: Vimax is most frequently and mainly used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction in men (also known as male impotency). In addition, it can also address the following conditions for a quick and effective response:
- Premature ejaculation
- Loss of libido
- Lack of sexual stamina or increased post-coital fatigue
Pro Solution pills: According to the official claims, Pro Solution pills are number one ranked male enhancement pills and are used to achieve the following goals:
- Prolonged penile erections
- 25 %more and fuller penis size
- Increased in the frequency of erections
- Increased sex drive and libido within one to two weeks
Mode of action (Mechanism of action)
Vimax: Vimax causes increase in erectile capacity (both in strength and duration) by causing smooth and consistent blood flow to the penis. Its libido boosting effects, however, are related with its ability to enhance the production and release of male sex
Pro Solution pills: Pro Solution pills’ official website lists several “pre-clinical studies” that demonstrate the successful use of these pills through the following mechanisms…
- They increase the natural production of testosterone from testes
- They cause quick liberation of nitric oxide from the vascular endothelium (inner surface of the blood vessels of your penis) which leads to greater and faster blood flow. All of these effects lead to harder, longer and stronger penile erections before and during sex.
Pro Solution Pills Vs. Vimax – Ingredients and composition
Vimax: Vimax pills consist of the following key ingredients:
Ginkgo biloba
Saw palmetto and,
Cayenne fruit
Hawthorne Berry (Fructus Crataegi)
Inosine Anhydrous
Avena Sativa Ext 10:1 (Oat Straw Ext)
Dodder seed (seman Cuscutae)
Pro Solution pills: Pro Solution pills contain the following main ingredients:
Butea superba
Zinc Oxide
In addition, Pro Solution pills have two more unique ingredients, Solidilin and Drilizin, which are not found in any other male enhancement pill including Vimax.
Safety profile (risk of side effects)
Vimax: Vimax pills do not have any side effects and bear a high safety profile.
Pro Solution pills: To date, no adverse or undesirable events have been noted or reported even after regular use of Pro Solution pills for up to one year.
Vimax Vs Pro Solution Pills – Price, affordability and economy
Vimax: Vimax pills are a component of a larger “Vimax Deluxe System” that includes Vimax pills and Vimax enlargement device plus liquid supplement. Therefore, when it comes to purchase, you have the following choices:
Complete Vimax Deluxe System (Vimax Extender Pro, 2 bottles of Vimax pills, 1 bottle of Liquid RX) for $413.80.
One month supply: $59.95
Two month supply: $119.90
Six month supply: $234.95 ($39.15 a month)
Twelve month supply: $379.95
Pro Solution pills: Various packages available for Pro Solution pills are as follows:
Pro Solution pills (60 pills / one month supply) for $78.95
Pro Solution pills (180 pills / three-month supply) for $188.95
Pro Solution pills (twelve month supply) for $388.95 (You can save up to $558)
Free shipping is available for 5-month, 6-month and 12-month packages.
Bonus / special discounts and offers
There is a special discount on a purchase of bulk supply for 6 months and a user can save up to $124.75 plus get more bonuses.
Similarly, if you opt for 12-month supply option, the average per bottle price would be $31.66 and you will be saving up to $339.45 in total.
Pro Solution pills: According to the official website, pro solution pills offer free penis enlargement exercises with every order placed. For example,
Four-month supply comes with 2 bonus gifts (free erection system website access, Free members’ area access)
Five-month supply comes with 3 bonus gifts (free erection system website access, free members’ area access and free pro solution gel performance enhancer)
Six-month supply comes with 3 bonus gifts (as mentioned above plus free shipping
Twelve-month supply comes with 4 bonus gifts (as mentioned above plus a box full of Volume pills to enhance the volume of your semen) plus free shipping
Moneyback guarantee / refund policy
Vimax: Vimax comes with a 100% Moneyback guarantee for 2 months (Meaning if you are not satisfied with the results, you can return the unused, unopened bottles for a full refund)
Pro Solution pills: Unlike Vimax, Pro Solution pills come with a 67-day Moneyback guarantee.
Final verdict – Clear winner
Based on the above discussion, it is crystal clear that both enhancements pills (Vimax and Pro Solution) are unique in their own. Both of these brands are top selling and can be used to treat / address a variety of male reproductive health related conditions. Both pills are doctor-endorsed and come with Moneyback guarantee (although guarantee offered with Pro Solution Pills) is little longer. On the other hand, Vimax pill sare little cheaper and more affordable. All in all, based on the above criteria, we give both products equivalent ratings of 9 out of 10 stars.