Zyrexin vs. Extenze
The following article is intended to compare two of the top most and frequently sold male enhancement pills i.e. Zyrexin and Extenze. Read on to explore more about these two products in detail.

Zyrexin Review

Extenze Review
Zyrexin: Zyrexin is purely organic and herbal enhancement formula that is completely free from artificial flavors, added sugars,yeast, preservatives, gluten, ephedra, caffeine and Yohimbe.
Extenze: Extenze pills are regarded as purely botanical(herbal)in nature without any pharmaceutical additives.
Indications (Uses)
Zyrexin: Zyrexin is marketed and distributed by Superbalife International and is mainly used to address the common issue of male impotency / erectile dysfunction.
Extenze: Extenze pills are commonly used or recommended to address and solve the common sexual problems in men such as erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and low sexual desire / libido.
Mode of action (Mechanism of action)
Zyrexin: Zyrexin pills work by boosting erections (via penile blood flow increase) and increasing sexual performance,pleasure and passion in men.This leads to increased frequency and strength of sexual intercourse with better, firmer and longer penis erections.
Extenze: Extenze exerts its actions by causing the following effects:
- By boosting testosterone levels in the blood, a key male sex hormone
- By increasing the production of nitric oxide, a very much needed gas for erection
- 3.By stimulating the sexual desire (libido) in males
Ingredients and composition
Zyrexin: Zyrexin pills are composed of the following ingredients:
Yohimbine, Epimedium, L-Arginine, Butea superb (A patented ingredient in US), Xanthoparmelia Scarbosa, velvet bean extract and cnidium monnier
However, unfortunately, there is no clear and complete list of the ingredients present either on the website or other third party websites.
Extenze: Extenze, on the other hand, also contains the following:
- Zinc
- Pregnenolone
- Yohimbe bark extract
- Tribulus terrestris
- Horny goat weed
- Muira puama
- Korean ginseng
- Astralagus
- L-Arginine
Safety profile (risk of side effects)
Zyrexin: According to the official claims, Zyrexin pills do not cause any health conditions, side effects or adverse events even after continued use. However, there are some articles that do list the individual side effects of some of the ingredients found in Zyrexin. Similarly, there have been some reports of certain side effects including headache if taken more than once each day.
Extenze: Similarly, being a natural and all-herbal organic, vegetative male enhancement supplement, Extenze is reportedly free from the health hazards and risks of side effects.
Price, affordability and economy
Zyrexin is available online as well as from a variety of pharmacies / herbal stores in different prices. The cheapest price, however, was found to be $15 online and $17.99 at CVS store. The price listed at the official website (Zyrexin.com) is $29.9 for 20 pills (10 doses) and $59.9 for 60 pills (30 doses).
Extenze: Various packages available for Extenze are as follows: 5 Day Supply = $6.75, 30 Day Supply = $39.95, 90 Day Supply = $107.86
Therefore, according to the prices listed above, Extenze seems to be relatively expensive as compared to Zyrexin. However, it must be remembered that the regular, starter package of Zyrexin bottle only has “10 pills”. So, considering the average “per pill price” or a 30-day supply, Extenze is again on the cheaper side.
Bonus / special discounts and offers
Zyrexin: Currently, according to the official website of Zyrexin, anyone who buys Zyrexin for $29.9 will get one bottle absolutely for free.
Extenze: A special 7-day trial of Extenze Plus extended release pills is now being offered for free from its official website. In addition, the 30-day supple package comes with free shipping.
Moneyback guarantee / refund policy
Zyrexin: Zyrexin pills come with 60-day money back guarantee that can be redeemed at any pharmacy / store or online (where you purchased it from).
Extenze: Extenze pills are offered with a typical 60-day no-questions-asked money back guarantee.
Final verdict – Clear winner
It must be remembered that Zyrexin, unlike Extenze, is available at major retail pharmacies like those of Wal-Mart, GNC and other grocery / health stores. However, its official claim of being “world’s strongest sexual enhancer” i doubtful and debatable. Also, its recommended dosage is “two pills” at once which has been found to cause certain side effects in some individuals. The per pill price is also on the higher side for Zyrexin. Therefore, considering all these factors, our vote goes in favor of Extenze. This, however, does not mean that you should not try Zyrexin at all. Again, it depends on your response to its use, budget and personal preferences.