Male Performance RX Review
We always get a little suspicious when we see a male enhancement product on Amazon that has nothing but rave reviews. We first came across Male Performance Rx when we were looking for some more products to order and personally test out. After noticing that there were 25 positive reviews, we had to see what this product was made of. I think that, like most Amazon reviews, you should approach them with sheer caution because of how many companies “fake it to make it” so to speak.
What is Male Performance RX?
Finding information about Male Performance RX was certainly not easy, and it really doesn’t help that their official site doesn’t even work. If you check it out yourself, you will see that its really just a blank page with an email address (as of this review). If you run a google search on it as well, for some reason the page is full of information about magna rx, a similar product. We even tried to look for other places to but this supplement, but again our search turned up practically nothing, except for it’s availability on Amazon.
It appears to be a fast acting supplement, but does not have any traditional stimulants such as Yohimbe. The dosage on the label reads take 1 tablet 2 hours prior to sexual activity, and their are only 10 tablets per box. Male Performance RX is actually quite expensive when compared to others, with a price of $4.50 per pill. This makes it more expensive than Vigrx Plus, NitroBlastX, and many others.
Ingredients and Reviews of Male Performance RX
The most comprehensive information, however, can be found on Amazon, and it tells a relatively incomplete story. There is information on the ingredients in Male Performance RX, and they include Cornu Cervi Extract, Herba Cistanches Extract, herba epimedi extract, Radix Ginseng, Bulbus Lily, Fructus Lychii, Fructus Schiandae, and Radix Glycyrrhizae. This is a very interesting formula, mainly because these are not the normal extracts found in similar products.

Male Performance RX Review
After a little bit of research, Cornu Cervi Extract appears to be a form of deer antler velvet, which has been used for several hundred years as an all natural aphrodisiac. This seems to be the primary ingredient in Male Performance RX, but on its own it probably wouldn’t do much. Herba epimedi extract also seems to be a form of horny goat weed, just not in it’s traditional form.
Their is a surprising amount of favorable reviews on Amazon, and we always become highly suspicious of this. How can a product that is so relatively new to the market, have no website, and only be sold in one place have so many great customer stories? Well, if you look into it in a little more detail, you will see that around 80% of the reviewers have only reviewed Male Performance RX, which hardly seems like a coincidence.
There is clearly very limited information on Male Performance RX, aside from the apparently fake reviews posted on Amazon. Without more information on the quantity of the ingredients, potential side effects, and real customer reviews, it is hard to recommend this product.