Viagrow Review

Viagrow Review
After browsing through an old maxim magazine recently, I came across an ad in the back talking about a product called Viagrow. Calling itself “the worlds best male enhancement” product, Viagrow is another all natural herbal remedy designed to help treat low libido issues. I am actually very surprised I had never heard of this product before, considering how much research we do in this industry. But it never really surprises us that much, mainly because there are just so many products in this category. Anyway, while we did not actually have a chance to try the product out, we decided to analyze the ingredients and customer reviews to find out if it relaly works.
What is Viagrow?
Lasting as much as 72 hours, Viagrow promises a number of benefits in male performance and stamina, as well as promises no cardiovascular or physical side effects. While practically every male enhancement pill we come across boasts the same benefit, we wanted to find out for sure by examining their full ingredient list:
Ingredients in Viagrow include:
- Epimedium
- Tribulus Terrestris
- Saw Palmetto
- Muira Puama
- Maca
- Korean Ginseng
- Ginkgo Biloba
- Avena Sativa
- Ashwaganda Root Extract
Viagrow Review
As an all natural formula, Viagrow also contains a substance called Yohimbe bark extract (120 mg), which has been used as an aphrodisiac for hundreds of years. We have written about this particular ingredient dozens of times, and have personally used it as well. Their are a number of side effects that occur with the use of Yohimbe, as we can attest to.
Potential Side Effects From Viagrow
Side effects are so common with the substance, that it has actually been banner in a number of countries,including Australia, New Zealand, and even Canada. I have personally experienced a number of side effects, including nausea, dizziness, headache, and upset stomach. While this isn’t an indication that everyone will get side effects with the use of Viagrow, but the potential is increased.
Where To Buy Viagrow and Guarantee
The price of Viagrow is pretty average for a long term male enhancement product, but not something you see with most fast acting supplements. Since Viagrow contains Yohimbe, and is supposed to start working in as little as 1 hour, it is considered a fast acting supplement. Average retail price is around $60 for a one month supply, and the price decreases as you order higher quantities.
The good thing about Viagrow is that they do offer a 30 day money back guarantee, which appears to be ironclad. Some companies offer a guarantee, but make it very difficult to return the product. They hide their return guarantee in a mishmash of terms and conditions, and never really let you send back the product. Viagrow doesn’t do this, and they relaly do give you a full 30 days to try the product out.
Viagrow User Review
We personally received a review of Viagrow from a gentleman who wishes to remain anonymous. Read what he had to say here:
“Yes it DOES work, if the user gives it a chance by using it for more than a couple weeks. Probably because of the yohimbe in it (120mgs). I personally, luckily, have no side effects of yohimbe, so Viagrow didnt pose a problem for me-
..It is not exactly a quick reaction pill as the website suggests. You have to use the product for a couple 2-3 weeks to see good positive results. I think the product is a great product in that it works for SURE after 20 days or so-.
My negatives on this product are: Poor customer service( no 800 number) its all done thru emails), pills are more than likely made overseas(asia) in a lab that is not portioned controlled.
I noticed that some pills worked great and sometimes a couple pills didnt work at all on some days…. Which means the dosage per pill was not the same or constant. When I asked customer service about this- I got the run around and not a straight answer about where EXACTLY these pills were manufactured.One agent emailed me after SEVERAL days and said salt lake city, and another agent said they are manufactured overseas in switzerland( yea right- I doubt that).
.I also did my homework and have a STRONG reason to believe that VIAGROW, VI SWISS and BARETTA XL are ALL MADE IN THE SAME LAB, yet sold under different names but yet its the SAME EXACT pill , Looks the same everything( brown color pill)… Even priced the same..Same ingredients.Same customer service contact info-
Regarding pricing–
VIAGROW charges $300 for a SIX month supply.That is NOT a reasonable price, in my opinion.( even if they do throw in a free bottle)…
$600 a year to take a herbal supplement is too much $ to pay when you can find others for less that do SAME thing..”
The Good and The Bad of Viagrow
Their are a number of good and bad things about Viagrow. The advantages of it are that it contains many of the same ingredients found in some of the most successfull male enhancement formulas. It also appears to be a reputable company, having been seen in major magazine publications.
However, I think in this case the disadvantages outweight the advantages. For starters, there is no official contact information on their official site, other than a contact form. That means no phone number, no address, and no official customer service department that handles customer inquiries. We know this because we attempted to contact them and found no number on the Viagrow website.
Also, their unlimited refill terms and conditions are kind of confusing. On the one hand, they say that you can order a new supply of Viagrow every 30 days for just shy of $15. So, then why provide a way to order just one bottle of Viagrow for $60 to begin with.
Viagrow Reviews
Apary from their website, there are very few, if any, reviews posted online. Theonly reviews we could find were from other review sites, which did not seem to even order the product. We will be ordering a free trial of Viagrow shortly, and will be back to post our full review of it once we had a chance to try it out.
The fact that Viagrow contains yohimbe is a testament that the product probably does work, although you mayexperience some side effects. If we had to compare it to another product, I would personally say that it is very similar to Libido Max, barring the price difference. The manufacturer also states ontheir official website that you will experience maximum length and girth gains, but you have to realize that no pill will make you permanently larger. If you are seriously considering trying out Viagrow, I would suggest you
speak with your doctor and discuss the use of Yohimbe.